• Greg Philippe
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  • 3 Mental Frameworks I Use to Book 5-10 sales calls every day

3 Mental Frameworks I Use to Book 5-10 sales calls every day

Implement it for your business

Booking 5-10 sales calls daily with ideal clients isn’t magic; it’s a strategy.

🔑 Here are my 3 game-changing frameworks:

1️⃣ The Friend Framework

Pretend your prospect is a friend you haven't seen in a long time. When crafting your connection request or message, show genuine interest and familiarity. Make your outreach feel like a warm reunion.


"Hey [Name], what’s up! I just noticed we’re both cold outreach nerds, I thought I’d connect with you to follow your success here on Linkedin...we can also share some tips and tricks”

2️⃣ The Thirsty Prospect Framework

Instead of directly offering your product, identify the prospect's underlying need. Just like selling water in New York, ask "Are you thirsty?" rather than "Do you want water?" Focus on those who express a need, ensuring higher success rates.


"Hi [Name], are you still looking to [specific need]? I have a solution that can help!"

3️⃣ The Permission-Based Outreach Framework

Before sending any resources or calendar links, always ask for permission. This approach makes prospects feel in control and increases the likelihood they'll take the desired action, as their confirmation boosts accountability.


"Hi [Name], would it be alright if I send over some details and a link to schedule a chat? Just want to make sure it works for you."

These frameworks shift you from sending cold DMs/emails to creating familiarity.

- Familiarity = More Responses

- More responses = More Sales Calls

- More sales calls with the right prospects = More Sales

Hope this helps,

Let’s gooooo
